Monday, October 31, 2011


Ian making pizza playdoh.
It’s official! We have had our first snowfall! This may have been the highlight of the week. The children stopped what they were doing today and shouted and hugged each other to celebrate this momentous occasion. I let them enjoy the moment (or two) and then we settled back into our end of day routine.  The thermometer read 42 degrees Fahrenheit. I’m not sure how that happens, but it did.
Explorations: Playdoh is a big favorite. The students enjoy making pizza and other interesting foods. We have been working on proper painting procedures, including how to try stay clean and how to clean up. Occasionally wet paint gets smudged on clothing. They are wearing large t-shirts for smocks, but please note that paint may get on clothing in the process, (however It is washable), Airports have been the building of choice this week with some very elaborate structures. Once construction is completed the children enjoy using the toy cars, airplanes, and people figures to animate their play.  
Kayla and Maple piecing together the Butterfly Lifecycle Puzzle.
Mrs. White has loaned us her Butterfly Lifecycle floor puzzle. It is quite challenging, but very gratifying. It has yet to be fully completed during the Exploration period, but we will continue to use it next week. I believe with more practice they will have more success. Once in small groups they are working alongside and together much better. 

Jolly Phonics: We finished our second group of letters. /c/, /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/, /m/ and /d/. Next week we will begin with a new grouping of sounds.  The students are doing a great job with their workbooks. Please don’t let them work ahead of the letters that have been introduced. It’s best to practice and review the sounds before they go ahead to learn more. Some games you can play with your child at home are: Guess My Word… Make the actions for a simple consonant-vowel-consonant word (using letters introduced such as /h/ /a/ /t/ and have your child guess the word. You can also say the sounds individually and have them guess it by trying to blend them together. This can be a challenging activity. The more practice the better. They love to play detective. Once they get good at it, they can have you guess the words. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me or send me a note.  

Social Studies and Science:
We have continued to talk about the senses and the change of the seasons. Among several seasonal books, we read Pumpkin Circle by George Levenson and will complete our own Pumpkin Life Cycle book on Friday during our Fall Harvest celebration. 
We’ve also learned a few seasonal songs and poems.  Look for them in their notebook this weekend. Please return on Monday.
Hunter and Andrew Playdoh Pizza Chef Extraordinaires.
Share: The Share theme this past week was /k/.  We enjoyed some Halloween fun shares with a skeleton and a ceramic black cat.  Very spooky!
Lots of Monster Trucks, pick-up trucks and even a toy motorcycle. We practiced clapping the syllables in the words and checked to hear where the /k/ sound was placed. Was it in the beginning of the word? The middle? Or the end?
Next week sound theme is /h/, Happy Hunting! J  As always thanks for your creativity and support!
Ava creating a butterfly masterpiece.

  • Thank you to Brady’s family for contributing this week’s healthy snacks! Next week’s snack will be provided by Andrew’s family. 
  • 1st Quarter Conference Sign Up is here: It is hard to believe the 1Q is drawing to a close. Please see attached sheet to sign up for conferences. Submit your first three choices. I will try to send a confirmation home by the end of next week.
  • Thank you in advance to Finn’s dad, Jon and Maple’s mom, Leah for helping with the Fall Harvest Celebration today! 

  • We have ELF Monday, 10/31 from 10-11:00.  Thank you to our ELF parent and grandparent volunteers!
  • Reminder: Colder weather means winter coats, mittens, hats and even possibly boots if the snow continues to fly. We go outside for recess as long as the temperature is above 10 degrees F.

Mrs. Bodnar  

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Builders explain their exhibit to the class.
WEEKLY HIGHTLIGHTS:The days are quickly becoming shorter and cooler. Although the weather has provided us with much rain, (unbelievably it’s raining as I type these words) we have fortunately been able to get outside for most recesses. Although it was a shorter week with only four days we were able to explore some new centers: painting, Legos, and Playdoh.  Blocks continue to be very popular.  The children have really begun to create some interesting and complex designs with the blocks. We have also used our Exploration time to share with each other our creations. I call it “Museum Exhibits.” They really enjoy presenting as a group or individually their creations. I find it also provides a way for each of them to learn from each other. They are learning to take turns, to use their words, and to work out their differences. Cooperation and collaboration is a key component to this activity.

Jolly Phonics:
This week we learned the sound /h/ and I plan on introducing /r/ on Friday. The children are quickly learning to blend the individual sounds together to make words.  They are also doing a great job learning the sounds and the actions. Thank you again for all your work at home with them as we build on these sounds. Small books (published and printed on the copier will soon be coming home over the next few weeks. Take time to have your child read them to you.  If your child gets  “stuck” feel free to help them use what they know to discover the words composed by the letters. The concept of print is new to most of them and they are just beginning to take those first steps. At times they may be scared or timid, but given a supportive and safe environment they will begin to test their wings and fly. 
Fireman Zach demonstrates how to search for children.
Fire Safety Week:
The Hartland Fire Department visited our school on Thursday. Beforehand we read a couple books about fire safety. We talked with the volunteers about safety procedures at school and at home.  We learned that it is always a good idea to plan ahead and have an escape plan at home as well as to choose a meeting place once everyone as exited the house. Don’t forget to change your batteries in your smoke detectors twice a year, (fall and spring).

Stirring the cooked apples in the sieve to make applesauce

Social Studies and Science:
From lifecycles we are moving into cycles and change. The cycle of seasons and learning about change is discussed through the lens of our senses. How do we detect change?  What senses do we use? We discussed some of the signs of fall and the senses we use to identify these signs.   Last Friday we made applesauce and enjoyed the fruits of our labor using our sense of smell and taste.  We cut up apples into quarters and simmered them on a hotplate. Then we worked it through a sieve by taking turns with the roller. By only adding a touch of cinnamon we created and enjoyed a tasty treat on a Friday afternoon,

Share: The Share theme this past week was /n/.  The shares ranged from beginning sounds as in necklace and nickel to medial sounds as in donut and front loader.  Very Nice!  Next week sound theme is /c/, /k/. Good luck As always thanks for your support!

  • Thank you to Ava’s family for contributing this week’s healthy snacks! Next week’s snack will be provided by Brady’s family. 
  • Scholastic Book Club orders due Mon. 10/28.
  • Fall Celebration: We have a school-wide performance assembly, (we will be singing) on Friday, 10/28 starting at 1:50pm. Please come and listen if you are able. We have ELF on Monday, 10/31 from 10-11:00.  As a result, I’m planning on having a fall festival celebration on Friday, from 9:45-11:00am. If you are available to help, please let me know. I’d like to have some pumpkin/harvest-focused centers (snack too). Ideas are welcome! Thanks!
  •  Scholastic Book Fair: Next week. If your child is interested in buying something during the book fair we will plan on browsing the books sometime next week. Prices generally range from $2 (pencils and erasers) to  $5 or $10 for books. 
  • Homework: Jolly Phonics workbooks and reading small predictable books (look for them in your child’s green folder). Also, if you can work with your child to learn how to zip coats and jackets, and tie their shoes this will help as we move into colder weather.  J
  • Reminder: Gym on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please make sure your child has sneakers.
  • Reminder: Please send in a water bottle with your child’s name on it. We will try to send it home on Fridays to get washed. Please return it on Monday.  Thank you.
Mrs. Bodnar

Friday, October 14, 2011


Kaitlyn and Brady work together on a Columbus Day Project.

The rhythm of the school week and the beat of the day are becoming more familiar as we conclude our 6th week of school.  Some of the routines may appear to be “old hat” and boring, but they are the foundation of our time together.  For instance, choosing snack milk and lunch, checking in with attendance and doing the morning table task at first glance might appear to be a straightforward, but it is easy to become distracted. Reminders to stay on task continue to be a valuable tool.
Morning Message is more challenging, however, they are becoming more attuned to the details of print, its conventions and even its peculiarities.  They enjoy reading to me, to their friends and to themselves.  When creating the Question of the Day my goal is to engage their mind and their senses. I also believe it opens doors for conversations and for creativity. 
Learning to tune their ear to hear rhyme as well as be able to generate their own rhymes is a precursor to reading.  Aspects of our Morning Meeting include rhyming activities and games.
This week I introduced /c/ and /k/. Thank you for continuing to support your child on an ongoing basis as we introduce new sounds.   I plan on introducing /e/ on Friday so that altogether they will have 9 letters/sounds to practice. Look for the Jolly Phonics workbooks in your child’s folder, which will be sent home for writing practice as we introduce new sounds/letters.  You can check how far they should work in the workbook based on what letters have been introduced in their Sound Book. It is a good idea not to let them go ahead. If they want more letter writing practice for the letters that have been introduced, send me a note and I can create packets for them to work on at home.
Finn, Ava and Andrew take turns finding objects in the I Spy Book.
The children are working at sharing and taking turns. After snack if there is extra time, students are dismissed to the rug to look at books.  At first they had difficulty sharing books between them without a disagreement surfacing between 2 or 3 students. Now with more practice they are doing a much better job.  We are also working on manners, saying, “Excuse me” and apologizing.  Children at this age have a tendency to forget all that they have learned at home when they are at school amongst their friends. As a result, we work on reminding them to create a warm, inviting and friendly community.  Taking responsibility for their behavior and making smart choices is also a daily practice.

Social Studies and Science:
We have been learning about cycles the past few weeks.  First the butterfly lifecycle, then the lifecycle of the Apple Tree and now we have begun discussions about the seasons. Summer is well behind us and fall has more recently progressed with the brilliant colors of autumn’s leaves we are learning about the yearly cycles of the seasons. From these discussions we will also learn about how the seasons affect our lives and other living things.

Share: The Share theme this past week was /p/. What a plentiful and productive week we had at share! Some of the creative /p/ shares were:  pumpkin, pink unicorn, puppy, pink pig, Lego policeman, a description of last night’s dinner (pasta, peas, plate, pudding), pictures, Leap Frog, pink jacket, purple, and vampire teeth! I was very pleased!

Next Week’s Share Theme:  Something that begins with the sound /n/, (or has /n/ within the word).
·      Monday: Ava, Hunter, Ian
·      Tuesday: Kaitlyn, Andrew, Keira
·      Wed.: Cashton, Finn, Maple
·      Thursday; Brady, Kayla, Ryan


  • Thank you to Kaitlyn’s family for contributing this week’s healthy snacks! Next week’s snack will be provided by  Ava's  family. 
  • Note: No school on Tuesday, October 18 due to Teacher In-service.
  • Homework is limited at the time to the Jolly Phonics workbook and reading the sound book. However, please practice shoetieing and zipping jackets as we settle into our school year. Also, some laces have a tendency to unlace themselves more easily than others, and if they know how to tie their own shoes it will be a big help!
  • The days are beginning to get a bit chillier.  Make sure your child has proper footwear and layers for recess.
  •  Reminder: Please send in a water bottle with your child’s name on it. We will try to send it home on Fridays to get washed. Please return it on Monday.  Thank you.
  •  Kinderbees News are now available online via the staff pages link on the Hartland Elementary School Website:  Just click on Staff Pages and then click on my name: Jennifer Bodnar.  In the right hand column is a growing list of helpful links. Finn’s family provided a link to the HOP, which has some free events on weekends. Check it out!

Mrs. Bodnar

Friday, October 7, 2011


Mike demonstrates how the "Magic Bucket" works.


Our field trip to Wellwood Orchards was on a rainy day, however, we were fortunate that most of the time we were outside we experienced only a light drizzle.  Thank you to Anna Spaulding, Carrie LaBounty, and Mimi, (Ava’s visiting Grandmother). The children enjoyed a nice (albeit soggy) wagon ride to pick the apples and eat one right off the tree. Among many interesting facts about apples, we learned the secret to picking them without bruising them (cup it in your hand and twist it off!). So enlightening was the experience that some children were even inspired to eat the skin of the apple! 
Ryan carefully picks apples.

After returning from the wagon ride we toured the cider press and went in the storage area where all the apples are kept cool and crisp. We enjoyed eating our lunches at the covered picnic tables and made a quick dash to the bus just before it began to shower again.
Upon returning from our field trip our chaperones stayed for an extra hour and a half to help with apple learning centers. The children rotated among 4 stations listening to a read aloud about the lifecycle of the apple tree and making a life-cycle wheel, making apple prints (tempera paint) after cutting the apple in half and seeing the star, hearing a story about Johnny Appleseed, peeling apples using an apple peeler/corer and discussing ways to measure apples. We used two different pan scales. One which allowed us to compare two different sized apples: heavier and lighter, bigger and smaller. We used weights to balance the scale to determine the weight of a specific apple (210 grams).  The other pan scale helped us measure the weight in grams, which we read on the dial.   The children enjoyed their homemade applesauce with a cup of cider at the end of the day. 
We reached our first big milestone in Jolly Phonics this week by finishing up our first set of 6 letter sounds, (s, a, t, i, p, n).  The Sound Books are going home every night for practice. I hope you are able to find time to have your child practice the sounds with you regularly. Today and yesterday we began to blend these sounds into 3 letter words! This weekend you will find a new addition to the materials being sent home: a letter-writing workbook for at-home practice.  Throughout the last two weeks at morning table tasks we have been working on correct lower case letter formation. Although many children are able to write some upper case letters the primary focus for this activity is to begin to learn how to form the lower case letters.  Children have a tendency to want to rush through this practice, but we are working on slowing down and doing our best work.  Please help encourage your child to work slowly and to do the best they can. Habits are being formed at this stage and if they begin by practicing correctly they won’t have to relearn or reshape their muscle memory for letter writing later on.
Hunter demonstrates how the tambourine works. A musical /t/!
In calendar we have 2 bundles of 10 straws with 2 in the ones pocket signaling 22 days of school.  We are beginning to investigate the concept of number by thinking about one. What is one?  We are learning a poem about One. One is the Sun and One is the Moon. We will begin to think about two and what that means. These may appear simple at first glance, but a firm understanding of these basic concepts is critical as we begin to build on them to larger numbers. We will also be working to learn how to correctly form numbers in writing – another valuable skill.
Share: The Share theme this past week was /t/.  Although several children forgot (don’t worry!) a nice treasure trove of /t/ was still shared.  A few items were: a Toy Tractor, a very large stuffed Tiger, a football helmet, and a beautiful Tambourine.  Although the job of finding something that begins with the sound of the week can be challenging, this at-home activity provides an opportunity for you and your child to explore the sounds in words around your home that have (or may not have) the targeted sound. This is an important skill to have when children are ready to read. Look around the house and find items that don’t have the sound. The process of checking if it has the sound is an important. Try it!

Next Week’s Share Theme:  Something that begins with the sound /p/, (or has /p/ within the word).

: Ava, Hunter, Ian
Tuesday: Kaitlyn, Andrew, Keira
Wednesday: Cashton, Finn, Maple
Thursday; Brady, Kayla, Ryan

If your child misses share day for any reason, he or she can share on that Friday

  • Thank you to Cashton’s family for contributing this week’s healthy snacks! Next week’s snack will be provided by  Kaitlyn’s  family. 
  • Please send in a water bottle with your child’s name on it. We will try to send it home on Fridays to get washed. Please return it on Monday.  Thank you.
Mrs. Bodnar