Welcome to Kindergarten!
We hope your youngster is looking forward to his or her first day of school on Tuesday, September 4th as eagerly as we are! We know you and your child have lots of questions.
Never hesitate to call or email us at school with your concerns.
Ginny White: 802-436-2255 Ext. 1224 gwhite@wsesu.net
Jennifer Bodnar: 802-436-2255 Ext. 1223 jbodnar@wsesu.net
Ginny White: 802-436-2255 Ext. 1224 gwhite@wsesu.net
Jennifer Bodnar: 802-436-2255 Ext. 1223 jbodnar@wsesu.net
Attached you will find the schedule of Special classes. Please note, for PE your child should not wear flip-flops or sandals. Footwear with good treads is best (sneakers, for example).
More about the first day...
Supplies: Please label everything with your child’s name! (backpacks, clothing, etc.).
Lunch: Milk can be purchased for 35 cents. Hot lunch for children is $2.55. Each child has a cafeteria account. Just send in an amount that works for you, and it will be debited as your child uses it. Please put the money in an envelope labeled with your child’s name and what the money is for. If you make out a check, please make the check payable to: HES.
Arrival and Dismissal: Students can be dropped off as early as 7:15 in the front of the school. or in the kindergarten loop beginning at 7:30. If you would like your child to be dismissed by a method other than the usual routine, you must send a written note. Otherwise, we will dismiss your child in his/her usual way.
Snack Time: This year we will have a family snack. This means that we are asking families to send in a snack for the entire class (14 students) for each day of their assigned week. (See your child’s homeroom teacher to sign up for a week.) Some ideas for healthy snacks are listed below. We do have students will food allergies in Mrs. White’s class, so no nut items or tropical fruits (mango, pineapple) in her homeroom please.
- crackers & cheese
- dry cereal
- cheese cubes
- rice cakes with cheese
- fresh fruits (grapes, watermelons, cantaloupe, strawberries, blueberries, apples)
- crunchy veggies (carrots sticks/mini carrots, celery sticks, cucumber slices, peppers) with dip
- dried fruit or trail mix
- muffins
- mini bagels with cream cheese
- popcorn
- yogurt (large containers please)
Some nervousness is normal, even from the most independent children. Some tears may flow; possibly even from you! It’s best to make the transition as smooth as possible. Our door is always open, however, on the first day it is best not to linger too long.
We are excited about beginning this school year adventure together! It will be enriching, memorable, and lots of fun for all.
Mrs. White & Mrs. Bodnar