Friday, January 27, 2012


Working with clay. Pizza Making has taken on a whole new look!

This past week we began our study of Kwanzaa. Although Kwanzaa is celebrated right after Christmas, Decembear 26-January 1st.  I chose to study it as a follow up to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Kwanzaa provides an opportunity to discuss important principles that will support community building and help us “learn, achieve and grow.” Although originally  intended for family celebrations, our class is our school family and it provides the perfect backdrop to build on these important principles: Unity, Self-determination (perseverance); Collective Work, Cooperative Economics (learning about money, saving as a group, and buying items that will benefit everyone), Purpose (Reflecting and Dreaming), Creativity, and Faith (to believe that good will happen). We wove Kwanzaa placemats early in the week. They are now laminated. I am planning to have the children use their mats for snack time in the coming weeks. We are currently working to make a Memory Kwanzaa book to record our thoughts as we study the holiday. Although Kwanzaa is only 7 days we will be stretching it out across a period of 2-3 weeks so we don’t rush the process and our work. 
Keira dips her snowflake to add color.

We continued our study of the winter weather and water cycle by reading more books, both fiction and non-fiction.  Earlier in the month we used the coffee filters to make winter white symmetric snowflakes and this week we used watercolor markers to make colorful patterns which we dipped in water and set out to dry. Next week we will fold them and cut them to make more symmetrically unique snowflakes.

In Jolly Phonics we learned one new vowel letter pattern: /ue/ as in “you.”  This is a bit more difficult than the others in that /ue/ or phonetically (yoo) sounds like the word “you.” It does follow the rule: “When two vowels go walking…” The words identified were rescue, cue, hue, and barbeque.

Share: Great /ee/ shares! We were treated to shares that included green motorcycles, dirt bikes, and superballs; a street bike; ear plugs; and even a whoopee cushion!
This coming week, please brainstorm shares that have the long /or/ sound, as in fork and core.

 I would like to welcome Carl Edward who is going to be joining us on Tuesdays. He is Finn’s relative from Norway and is visiting throughout the spring. Carl is studying to become a kindergarten teacher and is excited to join us in our classroom. We are looking forward to working with him! :)
Blakely reads to the children.

Finn’s mom, Blakely, was able to come Wednesday afternoon to read to us after recess. She brought a treasury of Arnold Loebel (of famed “Frog and Toad”) stories.  What a nice surprise!

  • Our Field Trip was a success. We enjoyed the show! If you haven’t already done so, please send in $5 for your child’s ticket. We saw 5 different short performances: Duck for President, Fancy Nancy, I Have to Go!, Babymouse, Leonardo the Terrible Monster, and Pirates Don’t Change Diapers. If you have a chance to read these books it will give your child a chance to connect to the show and share with you what they saw.
  •  Snacks: Thank you to Brady’s family for providing this past week’s healthy snacks.  This coming week’s snacks will be donated by Cashton’s family.
  •  Report Cards:  are in this week’s folder. Please keep the report cards, sign the envelope and return to school. Let me know if you would like to set up a conference. Thank you!
  • Reading Books/Sound Books:  Continue practicing the small books with your children as well as the Sound Books. We are on the last group of six sounds! Continued practice with the Sound Book and their actions will help your child make more connections to print as they begin to read more books. 
  • Word Games: Rhyming is an important skill connected to reading.  What rhymes with cat? This is an easy game to play in the car on the way to school or other places.  Another activity, although a bit more tricky, is to change the initial sound in a word. For instance: If I say bat and take away the /b/ and replace it with /r/ what word did I say? 
  • WRITING AT HOME IDEAS: Besides the Jolly Phonics workbook, involve your children in making lists for the grocery store, or writing thank you notes for the holiday. Any chance they have at making connections to writing at home to their work at school will help them.
  • Reminder: Gym day is Wednesday and Friday. Please have your child wear or bring sneakers. If you have an extra pair, feel free to have your child leave them in their cubby.    
  • Water bottles are still needed in their cubbies even during the winter months. Please send in a water bottle for them to use throughout the day. Thank you!
Thank you!

Mrs. Bodnar

Friday, January 20, 2012


Kayla reads her story
While this week has been dedicated to preparing for the upcoming report cards, with varied reading and math assessments, the children have continued to enjoy classroom activities. Last week’s book study of Strega Nona led to their own retelling and writing of the story.  This week they became authors and read their books to the class. It gave them a chance to read their own writing, recall the storyline, as well as learn to be good audience members when others were reading.
            We continued our study of the winter weather and water cycle by reading more books, both fiction and non-fiction.   The highlight of the day continues to be morning explorations! They love blocks, Legos, housekeeping, sandbox, painting, stamps, clay, and pattern blocks. New creations are developing weekly.

In Jolly Phonics we continued to learn new letter pairs and the sounds they make: /qu/, as in quick and quiet, /ou/ as in out and ouch and /oi/ as in noise and point.

Share: Great /ie/ shares! We were treated to shares that included pirates, a mechanical spider, a white mechanical dog, and tires (toy tractor tires).  This coming week, please brainstorm shares that have the long /ee/ sound, as in street and seat!  
Ryan ties his shoes before reading,
while Ms. Fotion helps quiet the audience.
THANK YOU!  A big thank you to Lee Fotion, our shared para-educator, who has been in the kindergarten wing for the past several weeks. She is going to work with Mr. Pogue’s and Ms. Kamb’s classes.  Ms. Fotion has been an outstanding member of our team and we will miss her. We wish her well in her new position.

At the same time we would like to welcome Mrs. Marlo Simmons to our kindergarten class who will be our new kindergarten wing para-educator. Mrs. Simmons is already familiar with our students in both classes as she has substituted a number of times. As a parent of an older student, and a community member, Marlo brings a lot of experience, joy and spirit to our classroom community. J

Field Trip scheduled for Tuesday, January 24th. Please send in $5 to cover the cost of the show. Also, if you would like to be a chaperone, let me know. Thank you!

Snacks: Thank you to Kayla’s family for providing this week’s healthy snacks.  Next week’s snacks will be donated by Brady’s family.

Report Cards:  Report cards will be sent home next week. Although we do not have conferences this quarter, if you have any questions or  concerns, please let me know and we can set up a meeting. Thank you!

  • Classroom Wish List: Thank you to Cashton’s family for donating more Whiteboard markers and glue sticks!
  • Reading Books/Bags:  Continue practicing the small books with your children as well as the Sound Books. We are on the last group of six sounds! Continued practice with sounds and their actions will help your child make more connections to print as they begin to read more books.
  •  Word Games: Rhyming is an important skill connected to reading.  What rhymes with cat? What rhymes with car? These are easy games to play in the car on the way to school or other places.  Another activity, although a bit more tricky, is to change the initial sound in a word. For instance: If I say bat and take away the /b/ and replace it with /r/ what word did I say?
  • WRITING AT HOME IDEAS: Besides the Jolly Phonics workbook, involve your children in making lists for the grocery store, or writing thank you notes for the holiday. Any chance they have at making connections to writing at home to their work at school will help them.
  • Reminder: Gym day is Wednesday and Friday. Please have your child wear or bring sneakers. If you have an extra pair, feel free to have your child leave them in their cubby.

Thank you!

Mrs. Bodnar

Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 13, 2012

We do not have a beach, but the sand is king!
Castle building in the morning.
Morning explorations has been productive. It’s such a pleasure to see the children creating, shaping, painting, imagining and building together. As problems arise, we are working on how to solve them. Sometimes the problems are based on the activity and sometimes it is social. We are learning how to communicate thoughtfully. This can be challenging, but we are exploring the various ways it can take shape. Listening to others is an important skill. Compromise is equally important.  We are encouraging your child to articulate their problems in an appropriate manner.
Bridge building.
Learning how to balance, to build, to get along.
Our table teams have been very successful. I have noticed the children working together, pitching in when needed and reminding each other to help out. They are beginning to remember to push in their chairs, clean up after snack and pick up after themselves.  Great job!

Jolly Phonics: We completed the next set of sounds: /ch/, /sh/ and /th/. We learned that /th/ makes two distinct sounds. One soft as in think, and one hard as in that.   We will begin our final set of sounds next week.

Centers: This week’s whole group math lesson focused on what makes ten. They tossed flat, two-color beans (red and white) and explored the various ways to make 10.  This activity was challenging in that we worked in teams and had to follow step-by-step directions.  More practice may still be warranted, but they are well on their way! 

Leah Gartner reading The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats.
We are finishing our books about Strega Nona. They are learning how to tap out sounds as they write words and are learning about how to do a retell. We also read more stories about winter: Bear Snores On, by Karma Wilson, The Snowy Day, by Ezra Jack Keats, and a non-fiction book called Cold Weather. Maple’s mom, Leah Gartner, continues to volunteer her time on Tuesday mornings coming in to read to the class. This is a great time for the kids to listen to another adult and for me to observe the children. 

This week we have been learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  We drafted our own Hopes for a better world on Wednesday. Friday we will write them on Peace Doves and make another classroom book.

Kayla painting a colorful picture.
Share: Great /ai/ shares! This coming week, please brainstorm shares that have the long /ie/ sound as in pie or like.   
  • Snacks: Thank you to Maple’s family for providing this week’s healthy snack.  Next week’s snack will be donated by Kayla’s family.
  • No school Monday, January 16th, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
  • Field Trip scheduled for Tuesday, January 24th at 10:00 am. If you would like to be a chaperone, please let me know. We are planning on getting ready at 9:00 am and the bus will be leaving at 9:15 am. Thank you!

  •  Classroom Wish List: For general classroom supplies: glue sticks.
  • Reminder: Sneakers on Wednesday and Friday. We have gym. If you have an extra pair, feel free to have your child leave them in their cubby.
Thank you!

Mrs. Bodnar

A New Year! January 6, 2012

Cooperative building and play.
 We certainly have had a busy week, after I’m sure a very busy holiday break. Along with settling back into old routines, I have introduced a few new routines to the children. For the most part they have greeted the new routines with enthusiasm. And you will see why J I turned the day upside down. Although I had strategically chosen exploration time at the end of the day in November and December, I decided to move this activity to the first period of the day.  This will hopefully provide extra incentive for them to get to school on time and complete their morning task efficiently.
Upon arrival they still go through their morning routines of checking-in, choosing milk, handing in their folders, doing a morning table task, reading the morning message and answering the question of the day. The children then get to choose a center/exploration activity. They generally still have a full 20 minutes before we start our morning meeting. They cherish this time socializing as they work together on collaborative projects or on individual projects alongside their classmates.
Another change that I have made to routines is in regard to helping them become more responsible in the classroom. Each child is sitting at a table that I’ve given a “team” name: the Mittens, the Snowmen and the Stars. Each person is responsible for different jobs at their table during snack. Throughout the day they are responsible for making sure their table is neat and chairs are pushed in. (it can be hazardous walking through the classroom if chairs are left pulled out!). At the end of the week, the winning table earns 3 points. When a table earns 5 points they can choose an experiential benefit: for instance use the computers in the classroom, have first choice of explorations, etc.  It’s really a privilege that they are earning. I am trying to help them understand cause and effect. If they are good at working as a team, then they will benefit as a team.
Jolly Phonics: We picked up this week by reviewing the old letter sounds already introduced and then learned /y/ on Wed. and will be learning /x/ on Friday. Please continue to sit with your child on a daily basis to read their Sound Book with them or play the “Guess My Word” game. If you would like to play the Memory game again, send a note in with your child and I will put a sound memory game in their backpack. You can keep it as many days as you need.
Building with straws.
Centers: In preparation for creating math centers in January, I am introducing new activities to the children. Earlier in the week the children explored the various ways to build objects and geometric shapes using straws and connectors. We will be learning how to play a variety of math related games as well as using dice to build our understanding of number sense.
We read Strega Nona this week. The children are currently working on creating their own 3 page summary of the story as they think about the beginning, middle and end. The children also were able to connect to another book we read in December, Latkes, Latkes, Good to Eat. We were able to compare and contrast them in our discussions.
The memory boxes were a big hit. Most children were able to present before the holiday. The children enjoyed sharing their treasures and stories associated with them. The children also made a very good audience for their classmates.
Outside recess: Free Play!
Share: This current week’s share was a free choice. This coming week share will be /ai/ -- anything with the long “a” sound. It will give me a chance to address the different spellings for this sound. Thanks!  
  • Boots, snow pants, hats, and mittens. Winter recesses are cold! Please let me know if some of these items can stay in the classroom during the week. It makes the end of day packing much easier.
  • A pair of sneakers is good to have in their cubbies for gym day: (Wednesday and Friday).
  •   Snacks: Thank you to Kaitlyn’s family for providing this week’s healthy snack.  Next week’s snack will be donated by Maple’s family.
Anna Lary and Ian making ornaments.
  •  Early Dismissal: Noon, Friday, January 13th.
  •  Holiday Classroom Celebration:  Thank you to all the families who donated holiday snacks, materials and their time, baking and shopping! The holiday celebration was a big success. Anna Spaulding was able to help during the day as well as Kaitlyn’s cousin, Tanya.  Thank you to you one and all. J
  •  Classroom Wish List: For general classroom supplies: glue sticks.
     Thank you to families who were able to donate white board markers!
Mrs. Bodnar