Friday, March 29, 2013

Week 27: March 25-29, 2013

We were listening intently during the performance. 

Spring has begun and we are enjoying warmer weather and more time outside. Kelly Meacham came on Monday to help the children start some spinach seeds indoors for Farm to School Trek To Taste Project. We will be planting spinach under different conditions indoors and using the spinach we planted last fall to use in the kitchen and for making spinach dip for Trek To Taste an event at the Marsh Billing Farm Museum on Saturday, June 1st. More information to follow.
This week we attended two performances. On Wednesday, the jazz band from Hanover High School came to perform and was absolutely amazing!  The children enjoyed the jazz music and singing.  On Friday we will saw highlights from 5/6th grade play Snow White. 

ELA Phonics:  We continue to gain experience writing in our journals and responding to writing prompts. Please take the time this weekend to read your child’s journal and respond in writing to their entries.  Providing a purpose to writing will go a long way to their enthusiasm.  I have collected the purple Sound Books and Tins to update for next week. Don’t worry if you don’t see them in your child’s folder. Thank you!

Share:  This week the children shared items for the sound /v/.  Here is a sampling: van,  Vermont Maple Syrup,  and Violet the squirrel,  Vermont Quarters. 
Next week’s share: /er/

Science/Math/ELA:  We have been tracking our Lion and Lamb days since the beginning of the month.  The children are seeing how the month is trending toward more lamb days. With the warmer days and no more snow on the playground we aren’t wearing our snow pants anymore, however, the ground is still damp and we are still wearing boots.  April will hopefully bring warmer weather.
Tea and Raisins. 

Warming Time: Thank you to everyone who was able to donate a mug and extra mugs for this special time that we are making in our day. On Thursday afternoon we had our first afternoon tea of organic apple mint.  We first discussed where tea comes from, how it is made and introduced vocabulary, “to steep.” We served it with some milk and a touch of honey.  This was a new and different experience for many.  

  • Next Week: National Public Health Week. Mrs. Christie-Maples, our nurse, has organized a fun-filled, week of many activities. There will be a rollover car, State Trooper Cruiser and Rescue Truck to see. Also puppet shows from Kinds on the Block about Medical Safety and Anti-Tobacco Education.  Wednesday is National Walk to School Day.  We will also take walks around the schoolyard to add miles to the map that we have been adding to for the past two years (Distance travelled to a number of different Hartlands in the US), on Thursday we will have a fun healthy activity with Michael Zerphy, and a presentation by two of our very own HES classmates to share about differences between people.  We will have smoothies on Friday provided by the “Smooth Ride” a bicycle that makes smoothies!

  • Parent Teacher Conferences: Please sign up for a first and second choice for Parent - Teacher Conference Dates, and return as soon as possible.
Kerridwyn constructs her marble tower for a race. 
  • Bicycle Helmet Orders: If you child does not have a bike helmet, it is a great opportunity to order the helmet (Monday due date!) at such reduced prices. I’m going to order 2! 
  • Walking Field Trip: We are still planning a walking field trip to Sherry Clarke’s farm around the corner from school to see her goats and chickens.  The date for the walking field trip is to be schedule soon! 
  • Group Snack: This week’s healthy snacks were provided Chance’s family.  We enjoyed tasty pretzels,  applesauce and yogurt. Thank you! Keira’s family will be providing snack next week. 
  • Our classroom buddy George went home with Tylor last weekend.  We are enjoyed hearing about his adventures and hope he has a great weekend with his next hosts! 

Jennifer Bodnar 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Week 26: March 18-22

Paige peeks into the bucket to see the sap drip, drip, drop!

Our field trip on Friday was the biggest highlight this week.  We are used our senses to explore the changing seasons.  More on our trip in next week’s field trip Although officially in spring, our newly fallen snow has reminded us that Mother Nature likes to keep us guessing. We enjoyed a late in the year snow day on Tuesday and have been enjoying playing in the snow and making snow angels, snow men, and great big snow balls at recess! 

ELA Phonics: We continue to work with our magnetic letter boards to make words. First we clap the number of syllables, then tap the sounds, then make the word. By changing the first letter sound we can make rhyming words and use them in a sentence. Some words are real words and some are imaginary. We have discovered that Dr. Seuss likes to use imaginary words in his books. 

Math:   We continue to graph the Lion and Lamb days. So far, we have had many more lion days than lamb. We sure hope March goes out like a lamb! 

Social Studies: We presented our Family Tree projects to our class.  It was a delight to see the joy on their faces as they shared their family trees with their friends.

Share:  This week the children shared items with the sound /m/.  Here is a sampling: Iron Man, Metal Head, Money, Mask, Monster Tracker. Next week share sound will be /v/. 

Science/Math/ELA: As I mentioned we will be learning to use our senses not only on our field trip but also to learn about our environment and the world around us. 
Earlier in the month we made predictions about the weather in March.  We are charting, graphing and recording the weather patterns as either a “Lion” day or a “Lamb” day.  In science we have been focusing upon the weather and the changing nature of the seasons.  We continue to compare qualities of a lion and lamb to the weather we experience in March.  What fun! 

Warming Time: We need about 3 to 4 more mugs.  Please send in a mug your child can use to have tea.  We will keep it in their cubby.  I am looking forward to tea time!

Mrs. Moyer reads to a group of chidren.

  • Wednesday, March 27, Early Dismissal. 
  • Walking Field Trip: We will be planning a walking field trip to Sherry Clarke’s farm around the corner from school to see her goats and chickens. She will already have a baby goat and more are on the way. I will let you know when the date and time are finalized should you want to come along. 
  • Group Snack: Next week’s healthy snacks will be provided by Chance’s family! 
  • Our classroom buddy George went home with Keira last weekend. This weekend he went home with Tylor. We are looking forward to hearing about his adventures on Monday! 

Jennifer Bodnar

Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 24: March 4-8, 2013

Maeve and Bryant say "Cheese!"
Our trip to the Lebanon Opera House was delightful. We saw Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.  The children appeared to all enjoy the show and I hope they were able to share some of the highlights or their favorite parts with you when they got home.  

Mrs. Lancaster reads Alexander and the Terrible,
Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day!
The day before the play we read the book during rest time. The children were able to practice at not looking at the pictures and using their imagination as Mrs. Lancaster read to them.

ELA Phonics
Thank you for returning your child’s School to Home Journal. We will continue to write in them and send them home for you to read with your child and add comments. Feel free to ask them questions which they can respond to. :)

Math:  We continue to work with the concept of addition as we add days in our Morning Meeting and do more traditional math activity sheets that require counting and adding on. 

Next week we will be working with Ten-Frames worksheets which will help them understand the different ways to make ten as well as visually identify what numbers less than ten “look” like.  

6th Grade Buddies:  We have also revisited the term o’clock when telling time. What does 7:00 look like? How about 8:00? Our 6th Grade buddies helped us complete our o’clock worksheets. 

Conner adds the finishing touches
to his Lion.
Social Studies: We have finally gotten underway on our Family Trees. The children are enjoying the process of building their family tree. I have returned original photos after making copies of the originals so they can use them in their project. 
ELA: We are continuing to read Dr. Seuss books. This week we read The Lorax and discussed the ways that the “Oncelers” were not taking care of the land. They shared ways that they would take care of our world.  
Science: With the coming of spring we will be focusing on weather. This week we were introduced to the saying “March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.”  We made lion pictures using craft materials and discussed ways in which early March weather can be like a lion.  As the month progresses we will make connections to weather that is like a lamb.  With the coming of spring we will be planting seeds, flying kites and even watching some indoor bulbs grow. 
Mrs. White and I are planning a Winter hike at her property. We will focus on maple sugaring.  If anyone has an old tap or two that we could borrow  so we can tap a tree in anticipation of our trip.  Further let us know if you would like to come on our trip as a chaperone. We do not have a date yet, but it will be the week of March 18th. 

Share:  This week the children shared items with the sound /w/.  We saw a cute whale, work machines and a wrecker,  We were also introduced to a character called “Water man” and many shares of dolls with the names that begin with /W/.  Next week share sound will be /h/. 
Warming Time: Mrs. White and I attended an early childhood/kindergarten conference last month.  At the conference we were introduced to the concept of “warming time.” It is a “tea time” which involves serving a mint tea or other herbal tea to the children.  The tea would be poured from a teapot and be served with something light like animal crackers.  The tea would be served at a luke warm temperature after it has cooled off somewhat.  Let me know if you have any concerns.  I have some extra mugs, but probably not enough for everyone. If you have some mugs you would like to donate even if just for the rest of the year, and then I can return, let me know.  The purpose of the “warming time” is to help foster community, build responsibility (as they will help serve each other, and offer an opportunity to settle in and settle down in a calming and relaxing way). Thank you! 

  • No School: Tuesday, March 12, due to teacher  professional development
  • After School Program Survey: Attached is a copy of the online link to the After School Program Principal from our Principal, Gary Wright.  You can find it online in the school-wide newsletter. If you do not have computer access, you may complete the attached survey and send it in. I will turn it into the office. Thank you for taking the time to help provide input. 
Computer Command: "Hey Dude look what I found!"
  • Group Snack: Thank you to Tylor’s family for contributing this week’s healthy snack! We enjoyed tasty blueberry and chocolate muffins, lemonade, pretzels, pudding, animal crackers, Cheddar Cheese Goldfish and delicious Granny Smith apple slices.  Thank you Tylor’s family!  Kerridwyn’s family will be providing next week’s snack. Thank you!   
    Weekly Replay:
Lucia curls her lion's mane.

I  care  for  fish. (Tate)

Special Note:  Please remind your Kindees to keep their special toys, stuffies and dolls at home. We enjoyed them this week, but it has become a bit of a distraction during the day.  Many thanks!

Jennifer Bodnar

Friday, March 1, 2013

Week 23: March 1, 2013

Slip sliding away! 

I hope your children all enjoyed a well-deserved break from school. The children came back on Monday full of energy and ready to learn. It has been a busy week with a snow day on Wednesday.  The slush is making our recess time quite messy, but we are continuing to go outside to get fresh air and exercise.  Please check your backpacks in the evening as snow pants, mittens and hats may be extra wet. 

ELA Phonics
The children are beginning to write in their School to Home Journals. They will go home on a weekly basis. Look for them in your child’s folder.  I am writing in their journals and want you to write comments as well. It is my hope to help the children develop more thoughtful writing through an ongoing written conversation between you and me. Thank you for your participation!  
Mr. Nixon came into our classroom on Thursday to read Green Eggs and Ham to Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ upcoming birthday on Saturday, March 2.  We read a variety of Dr. Seuss’ fun-filled books. As a writing prompt for a Bucket List of things we want to accomplish before we are 100, we read, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!.  The children enjoyed sharing their writing to the class.
Mr. Pangie helps the
children find their number.

Chance and Spencer
observe the Alevin
Math:  The 100th day celebration paved the way for us to learn new math games and activities.  This week during explorations the 100s mat and dice game is helping children identify 2 digit numbers.  We will begin to play addition games using the dice after they gain more confidence and understanding of the 100 chart. We have been skip counting by 2s to 10 and , 5s, and 10s to 100.

6th Grade Buddies:  We resumed our weekly visits with our 6th grade buddies.  In addition to reading to each other we are working with them to learn about the lifecycle of salmon. Mrs. Ziegler’s class has a tank of baby salmon (alevin) and is keeping them in an aquarium. Over the next several weeks we will be watching them grow and recording their growth in a Buddy Salmon Journal. 

Share:  This week we had an open share. Next week share sound will be /w/. 

  • Field Trip: March 6th Lebanon Opera House to see Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Day. Please send in $5 to cover the cost of admission on Monday if you haven’t already done so. If you would like to be a parent chaperone let me know. We may have an extra ticket available! 
  • Group Snack: Thank you to Maeve’s family for contributing this week’s healthy snack! We enjoyed tasty blueberry and chocolate muffins, pretzels, cheddar cheese goldfish, carrots and yogurt.  The children continue to be delighted to share a whole classroom snack with each other.  I am signed up for snack next week! 
  • Weekly Replay:
Kerridwyn plays the 100s game.

Paige and Molly peek at the Alevin.

Mr. Nixon reads Green Eggs and Ham to the Kinderbees.