Friday, June 7, 2013

Week #35: June 3-7, 2013

Sandbox Sifting, Measuring and Creative Play
Well yes, it is hard to believe this is the last newsletter of the year. I have truly enjoyed getting to know your children and see them blossom and grow -- they have accomplished so much from beginning to read and  write, to understanding concepts of math and negotiating and working together to solve problems and share.

Keira was filmed at Vermont Public Television to read the book she wrote that won an award. Best Friends Eat Their Veggies. Here is a link to watch!
The helmet fits Conner just right.

On Thursday we had a bike helmet safety class in our room with Mrs. White’s students.  They learned about why we all need to wear helmets when riding a bike, and how to properly wear a bike helmet. 
Next year’s classroom assignments have been sent home in today’s folder. It is folded in three and stapled close.  

The annual  “step-up” is still planned for the morning of June 12 -- this gives each child an opprortunity to visit their new teacher along with the other children that will be in their class.  This activity will last approximately 20 minutes in the morning.  This is a very exciting time as they will be looking forward to seeing their new classroom and seeing who will be in their class. They may feel a bit disappointed to learn a close friend will not be in their first grade class, but we will be talking to them about how they will have lots of opportunities to see their friends, from recess to lunch and on field trips. In addition, over the next 8 years, they will be mixed and remixed again. Their grade community will grow stronger each time this is done as they get to know other children they may not have otherwise had the opportunity to become friends with. 

Next week will also be our End of  Year Celebration. I have planned a gathering that will be somewhat informal, but hope that parents and/or grandparents can attend. Weather permitting we will hold it outside our classroom. The invitation flyers were sent home in the folder earlier this week. It will be from 10-11:15 am.  If you cannot find your copy of the invitation let me know and I will send home another.  Feel free to join us for lunch. Bring a bag lunch and a blanket to eat outside (weather permitting) or we will picnic insde if the weather turns too chilly or rains. 
Report cards will be sent home on the last day of school. 
Happy Birthday to Morgan this past week!

Cross Curriculum: Science, Math & Language Arts 
We have completed our unit on Me, My Family and My Community.  They have enjoyed learning about each other as well as sharing their strengths and interests. 

Share:  With so much going on next week I am drawing this activity to a close.  Thank you for helping your child find theme-related shares throughout the year!

Math:  Most Numbers 1-20  books have been completed.  We have a few to go, but they are on track to be completed by the end of the year.  We continue to work on our Spring Math Journal solving problems using pictures and number sentences, graphing and patterns. 

  • Group Snack:  Thank you to Keira’s family for the delicious homemade muffins, delicious fruit salad and special trail mix snacks throughout the week! 
  • Next Snack Week:   Chance’s family the week of 6/10.  

THANK YOU ALL AGAIN for the delicous snacks. The children have truly benefitted from all your efforts
Recess learning about the latest in superhero characters. 
  • Kindergarten End-Of-Year Celebration:  Scheduled in our classroom for June 13th (1/2 day of school).  
-- 10:00 am celebration, singing and certificates
-- 10:30 am refreshments 
-- 10:45 am lunch


Jennifer Bodnar 

Maeve gives her doll a ride!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Week #34: May 28-31, 2013

I want to "ite, ite, ite" iplles and ban-eye-neyes. 

It was fabulous that everyone was able to attend the Parent Appreciation concert.  If the children were nervous it did not show. They did a great job following directions and singing to the audience.  Mrs. Bernstein did a great job organizing and planning this annual event. Thank you to our room parent, Sarah Doolan and our ELF parents, Lori Beland, Stacey Wilbur, and Justus Keith.  A special “shout out”  to David Broder who has children in the upper grades who collaborated with our classroom ELF parents.   I’d also like to thank you, our parents, who supported your children’s learning throughout the year. 

We had another busy short week with only four days.  Along with our end of year ELA writing and comprehension assessments that we completed last week, this week I assessed your child individually for text reading. I am very pleased with the progress they have made this year.   This is a critical time of year as their enthusiasm may wane a bit with the change of schedules from the routine of daily reading at school and at home to a more loose schedule during the summer. If at all possible, please try to keep reading a part of their daily routine. From reading at night to them to also having them read their own small books and writing in their jounal.  Just like any new skill, they will get rusty if they aren’t practiced. I have included in their Friday Folder their first journal that was started in the beginning of the year. Included are additional blank pages for them so they can continue to write in it throughout the summer.  The Home to School Journal should continue to come back to school.  I will send it home the last week. 

A Hole is to Dig
I will continue to assess the students 1:1 for Math concepts and skills.  

Next week we have a bike helmet safety assembly planned.  On Thursday morning, I will be working with the other K-2 teachers in the District during the morning reviewing the ELA assessments that were completed during this pilot year.
Next year’s class assignments should be sent home shortly. The annual  “step-up” is planned for June 12 -- this gives each child an opprortunity to visit their new teacher along with the other children that will be in their class.  This activity lasts approximately 30 minutes in the morning. 
Report cards will be sent home on the last day of school. 

Cross Curriculum: Science, Math & Language Arts 
We are currentoy working on a small unit related to Family, Home and Community.

Share:  This week’s shares were about what or who they want to be when they grow up. Not everyone shared a related topic but some highlights were that Maeve wants to become a veterinarian, Tanner wants to be a flute player,  Tate wants to be a fireman, and Kerridwyn wants to grow up to be just like her mom!  

Math:  We continue to practice writing number sentences and how to represent numbers using pictures, tallies and Arabic numerals.   Our Spring Math Journals have given us great opportunities to solve problems. Many of the Numbers 1-20 books have been completed and have been sent home.  When counting objects at home (pennies, dimes, etc. ) have them group them in sets of 10.  Help them understand the concept of teen by grouping 10 and adding what is left over.  10 + 3 = 13. 

Isaac and the bean stalk. 
Centers:  Our beans grew wonderfully in the window green boxes. The children worked with their lab partners and grew different kinds of beans: lima, pea and edamame. Many have been sent home. Hopefully all will be home by today so you can plant them in your gardens. 

  • Group Snack: Tate’s family will be provided our healthy snack this week.  We enjoyed applesauce, peanut butter and Ritz crackers, ants on a log (celery with peanut butter and raisins), yogurt. 

  • Future Snack Weeks:   Keira’s family the week of 6/3 and Chance’s family the week of 6/10.  THANK YOU ALL AGAIN

  • PTSF 4th Annual Book Swap:  Thank you for putting more books into the hands of students! It was a big success! The kids were so very excited to pick out books on Thursday. 
  • Our classroom buddy George went home with Morgan during the week.   The children seem to really enjoy their house guest! Thank you for taking such good care of our classroom friend! 
  • Kindergarten End-Of-Year Celebration:  Tentatively scheduled in our classroom for June 13th (1/2 day of school).  I will sending home invitations next week. Weather permitting, I am planning to have a gathering outside our classroom at 10:00 AM to give the children certificates. We will sing a few songs and then enjoy lunch at our regularly scheduled time of 10:45 AM.  If the weather cooperates we can picnic outside on blankets or just eat inside on the tables.  Dismissal is at 12:00.  8th grade graduation is at 2PM.  Friday, our last day of school is also a noon dismissal. 

Jennifer Bodnar 

To view online: go to      

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Week #33: May 20-24, 2013

Kindergarten Rocks!

Although we struggled last week with our classroom rules, I have seen a marked improvement this week. We have been talking a lot about first grade expectations and how we can be kinder and friendlier toward our classmates. This can be a very difficult time with the children anticipating summer vacation, the warmer weather,  and cyclical full moon! They have made great strides this year both academically, as well as socially and emotionally.  As I look back through the year’s newsletters and photos, I am reminded of the incredible growth they have made and successes they have achieved. 
We have been very fortunate to be able to visit Mrs. White’s property here in Hartland 3 times this year:  fall, winter, and now spring.  She has quite a large piece of property with a natural wooded landscape that includes a small pond, a vernal pool and beautiful wooded trails. 
Bryant and his dad while walking on the trail. 
While on our field trip last week we were each able to dig up a small wild violet or plant of their choosing (even a dandelion!) and bring it back to the classroom.  Mr. White had cut a medium size tree and made what we call “tree cookies” or habitats out of the trunk. As an extension to our trip they each made a nature scene on the tree cookie incorporating their plant. I suggested that they keep it outside as that would be the best way to keep the moss moist and the plant watered. At some point the tree cookie may be returned to nature in a compost pile, but we hope it has given them a fond memory of their field trip.  The children enjoyed building their habitats from gifts from Mother Earth. 

We have been practicing our songs for the Memorial day assembly this Friday morning. The children in grades K-2 will lead the audience in “You’re a Grand Old Flag” and “On Memorial Day We Remember. “  Lucia shared a display about a recent exciting event in her family when her father became a citizen a couple of weeks ago. His native country is El Salvador.  We used that as an opportunity to discuss citizenship, freedom and our country.

Cross Curriculum: Science, Math & Language Arts 
With the completion of our plants unit we will be starting a unit on family and community for the next few weeks.  We will try to schedule a walking field trip to the local town hall, post office and library. 

Share:  Thank you for the creative nature shares. They enjoyed the wonderful things that are handmade: handknit scarves, gloves, potholders, and the full belly pot they made in art earlier this year.  Next week’s share: something that represents their family or what/who they want to be when they grow up.

Math:  We continue to work in our Spring Math Journals and work in our Numbers 1-20 Book.  We are learning about number sentences and how to represent numbers using pictures, tallies and numbers. 
The focus on numbers greater than ten is the concept of  “teen.” That being a bundle of 10 and a number less than 10 that is left over. They are working hard to finish these books and will be bringing them home as they complete them. 
Centers:  Our centers this week have included a variety of phonemic and phonics activities with rhyming puzzles as well as sorting words that are made with ee and ea. They continue to work on their colored pencil cases and use this valuable time to work in small groups. 
ELA:  We completed our fourth and final ELA spring assessment: Narrative Writing.  We read a short story thinking about the elements of beginning, middle and end,  then they wrote their own story thinking about those elements.  At their age of development their ability to tell a story greatly outweighs their ability to write a story. You can practice at home by relating to them at dinner what you did during the day. Then have them tell a story about their day.  Focus on the people in the story, and the sequence of events.  This will help them develop the concept of sequence. They also drew pictures to support their writing. 

Writing Works! 

  • Group Snack: This week’s healthy snacks were provided Kerridwyn’s family.  The children enjoyed refreshing and fun healthy snacks: strawberries and yogurt, oranges, Tate’s family will be providing our healthy snack next week. 
  • Future Snack Weeks:   Keira’s family the week of 6/3 and Chance’s family the week of 6/10.  THANK YOU ALL AGAIN for all your delicious and healthy snack contributions throughout the year. 
  • Wednesday, May 29th - Early release at noon
  • Wed. May 29th: Parent Appreciation Concert-children should be in the classroom by 6:15 PM
  • PTSF 4th Annual Book Swap:  Please donate your gently used children’s and young adult books.  We are accepting used books until May 29th for the Book Swap. The swap will be held on Thursday, May 30. The children will all come home with one or two books. Book Swap books are priceless in more ways than one. Thank you for putting more books into the hands of students! 
  • Our classroom buddy George went home with Kerridwyn during the week.   The children seem to really enjoy their house guest! Thank you for taking such good care of our classroom friend! 
  • Kindergarten End-Of-Year Celebration:  Tentatively scheduled in our classroom for June 13th (1/2 day of school).  Time TBD. 

Jennifer Bodnar 
Conner and his mom Lori enjoying a snack with others on the field trip.
Lucia on "her" trail at her Grandma "Mita's" property. 

To view online: go to      

Friday, May 17, 2013

Week #32: May 13-17, 2013

Maeve and Lucia make some creative fun with Cuisenaire Rods.

Spring fever has erupted with the excitement of warm weather. Although we were awarded with the Certificate of Achievement last week, this week has been more challenging.  I have been emphasizing first grade expectations -- quiet bodies, quiet hands and quiet mouths.  Having said that we are also doing a lot of movement activities, and having extra recess time.  Our jump rope participants are fast becoming experts. Some of us have reached above 30 jumps! Great job! 
Bizzy Bee reminds us online on our website with Kindness Tip #2: we should offer to help our friends if they need help instead of running past them on the way to recess.  She also congratulates Keira on her Writing Award from Vermont Public Television! 

Los estudiantes juegan con los numeros.
(The students play with numbers.)
Cross Curriculum: Science, Math & Language Arts 
We are finishing up our plants unit, learning about the lifecycle of plants and what plants need to grow big and strong. We made connections to ourselves and what we need to grow big and strong.  We compared how we are alike and how we are different from plants. 
Share:  Thank you for the creative nature shares. They enjoyed the wonderful things from nature: flowers, shells, gems and rocks. Next week’s share: something that is handmade.
Math:  We continue to work in our Spring Math Journals and work in our Numbers 1-20 Book.  As we work in our Numbers Book we are learning about how to group numbers together and how to bond numbers together to make bigger numbers. For instance: 8 is made with a group of 5 and a group of 3, and 17 is made witha  group of ten and a group of 7. 
Centers:  We continued working in our centers from last week.  We also started reading in groups. These books we read at school do not go home, but please continue working with your children to read with them their sight words and small books and please continue to read to them.  Continuing those activities will be important as they develop an understanding of stories as well as learn to read. They have made a lot of progress throughout the year.  They should be very proud of their accomplishments!
Spanish: Senora has been working hard to teach the children fun songs, numbers, colors, ani,mal names and more! Mucas gracias senora!

ELA:  We completed our third ELA spring assessment: Informational Writing.  They read a book called Trees and chose one fact they learned. They also drew a picture to support their writing. 

Ms. Hill reads aloud during library class. 
  • Group Snack: This week’s healthy snacks were provided Maeve’s family.  The children enjoyed wonderfully healthy snacks:   Annie’s Cheese Crackers and Graham cracker bunny cookies, Vanilla Greek Yogurt with straweberries and berry applesauce.  Kerridwyn’s family will be providing our healthy snack next week. 
  • Future Snack Weeks:  Tate’s family is providing snack the week of 5/27Keira’s family the week of 6/3 and Chance’s family the week of 6/10.
  • Sunday, May 19th: Carol Witherington is retiring. If you would like to wish her well meet at the Rec. this Sunday, May 19,  from 1:00 to 5:00 pm.
  • Tuesday, May 21st come meet the candidates for our new principal 
  • Wednesday, May 29th - Early release at noon..
  • Wed. May 29th: Parent Appreciation Concert-children should be in the classroom by 6:15PM
  • PTSF 4th Annual Book Swap:  Please donate your gently used children’s and young adult books.  We are accepting used books until May 29th for the Book Swap. The swap will be held on Thursday, May 30. The children will all come home with one or two books. Book Swap books are priceless in more ways than one. Thank you for putting more books into the hands of students! 
  • Our classroom buddy George went home with Tanner during the week.   The children seem to really enjoy their house guest! Thank you for taking such good care of our classroom friend! 
  • Kindergarten End-Of-Year Celebration:  Tentatively scheduled in our classroom for June 13th (1/2 day of school). 

Jennifer Bodnar 

To view online: go to      

Friday, May 10, 2013

Week #31: May 6-10, 2013

Mr. D. presents us with a Certificate of Achievement

What a difference the warm weather makes! We have been enjoying our recesses like never before and we even were able to get outside for an impromptu walking field trip on Wednesday to the “17-Acre Wood Trail” behind the school.   This is the trail that Micah Heaney and the Conservation Commission built last year.   The trails are recently raked and offer a wonderful opportunity to explore our natural surroundings.  The children are making great strides towards our end of year goals -- academically, socially and emotionally.   They are becoming better listeners with the exception of intermittent uncontrolled jubiliation that spring usually brings -- they are right on track. I am very proud of their efforts.  Mr. Driscoll is also very impressed with their progress and on Tuesday awarded the class with a Certificate of Achievement that he reserves only for the very best.  He said it was their very best day and he has seen considerable growth over the past several months. I hope to see their efforts continue moving forward in the final weeks of the year.  Great job Kinder Bees!  
I’d like to also point you to our new classroom web mascot online.  “Bizzy Bee”  is an animated mascot -- you will find her in the right hand column on the web page.  She will offer online tips to help our students make smart choices and great ideas for being helpful and kind.  She will try to be current and up to date to highlight upcoming news and events for the class. I introduced the class to Bizzy Bee on Thursday and they should be able to help you find her on the page. Just click the “Play” button to hear her talk. 
Maeve and Tanner add details to their drawings. 

Cross Curriculum: Science, Math & Language Arts 
We are currently working on the lifecycle of plants, making connections to living things, and learning more about what living things need.  They will also be learning about the parts of a plant, and seeds. This week they sorted seeds and graphed them. 

Share:  Thank you for the creative /ch/ share sounds. They enjoyed seeing little toy/stuffed chickens, learning the french word for hat “chapeau,” charge cards, and a chain.  Next week’s share will be something related to springtime: plants, flowers, gardens to connect to our science unit.   Our Farm to Garden Coordinator, Kelly Meacham will be teaching a lesson on spinach later today. 
Math:  We continue to work in our Spring Math Journals.   This week’s math journal question asked the children to consider how many wings on a butterfly and then to determine how many wings altogether on 3 butterflies. numbers.  They also had to create an ABB pattern by coloring a series of caterpillars. 
Tate stitches his colored pencil case

Centers:  Our activity centers included Cuisenaire blocks,  Rhyming puzzles, Stitching their colored pencil cases, and plant lifecycle booklets.  The children are really enjoying the opportunity to make their felt pencil cases.  As a reward for completing their Jolly Phonics workbooks, they choose a felt square color, embroidery thread and a button. They are working hard to complete their cases and then once completed are awarded a new box of colored pencils. 
ELA:  We completed our second ELA spring assessment: Opinion Writing.  We read The Little Red Hen. They chose their favorite character and then wrote why.  They did an outstanding job attending to this challenging task. Great job!  Please have your child read their Home to School Journals this weekend.  They can add any fun things they did on a new page. Thank you! 

  • Group Snack: This week’s healthy snacks were provided Morgan’s family.  The children enjoyed heatlhy homemade muffins, pretzels, Goldfish, and applesauce! Thank you! Maeve’s family will be providing our healthy snack next week. 
  • Future Snack Weeks:  Kerridwyn’s family the week of 5/20, and Tate’s family week of 5/27. We are still looking for snack donations for the weeks of 6/3 and 6/10
  • Next Friday, May 17th, Mrs. White and I are planning another seasonal field trip (spring/summer) to her property. We are planning to leave at 12:30pm and will return by 2:00pm. We are tying in the ELF curriculum on frogs and ponds. If you would like to chaperone, please let me know! Thank you! 
  • PTSF 4th Annual Book Swap:  Please donate your gently used children’s and young adult books.  I am accepting used books until May 29th for the Book Swap. The swap will be held on Thursday, May 30. The children will all come home with one or two books. Book Swap books are priceless in more ways than one. Thank you for putting more books into the hands of students! 
  • Our classroom buddy George went home with Conner during the week.   We continue to enjoy hearing about all the fun he has when he travels to your homes.  Thank you for taking such good care of our classroom friend! 
  • Carol Witherington is retiring. If you would like to wish her well meet at the Rec. on Sunday, May 19,  from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. 
  • Tuesday, May 28th: Parent Appreciation Concert: Grades K-5, 6:30pm. Student’s should arrive to our classroom by 6:20 PM. We will walk to the assembly and sit together. As with the Winter concert children should remain seated with our class and will walk back to our classroom to be picked up. 
  • Kindergarten End-Of-Year Celebration:  Tentatively scheduled in our classroom for June 13th (1/2 day of school). 
  • If you haven't clicked on Artsonia in the right-hand column yet this year, please do. You will be brought to a website that shows a selection your student's work in artclass for the year. You can search using your child's first name or you can scroll through the class. Both Mrs. White's and my class are grouped together. Enjoy the beautiful artwork! 
  • P.S. Mother's Day gifts are tucked in the left hand side of the folder (A paper tulip card with hand made gift tucked inside.) The story: In the heart of the seed... is also part of the gift. I struggled with how to have them wrapped. We hope you enjoy!)

Jennifer Bodnar 

To view online: go to      

Friday, May 3, 2013

Week #30: April 29, 2013

Paige Jumps High!

I have introduced new circle songs and games for our morning meeting. It involves the opportunity for them to follow directions and allows for them to be moving safely, cooperating with each other, and learning poems and songs. The theme this week is spring as we sing a song about a little flower seed.  We are learning a hand game, “Peas, Porridge Hot, Peas, Porridge, Cold” and another “Pitty, Patty, Polt.” It is great to hear their giggles and see them concentrate on these rhythmic movements. At recess they are becoming quite the jump ropers as well!  
Lucia and Morgan work together to plant
perennial flowers in the corner of the yard. 
Cross Curriculum: Science & Language Arts 
We continue to make more connections to the water cycle with the introduction of the life cycle of plants.  The children are enjoying the opportunity to dig  along the fence line and re-plant some of the perennials from the garden bed that were dug up last fall.  The red wheelbarrow that was given to the kindergarten classes from Farm to School has been getting a lot of action!  As a connection to Earth Day and the upcoming 
Vermont Green Up Day this Saturday, (see Calendar Notes for more information) we have been reading a number of wonderful books.  As a writing response to these books they wrote a sentence about how they can take care of Mother Earth and illustrated it.  Mrs. White and I will display them in Damon Hall this Saturday for viewing when volunteers gather for lunch at 11:30am. 

Share:  This week’s shares were from Nature. We were treated to some forsythia and a deer skull and rack. Next week please have your child bring in something that begins with the sound /Rec./ or /ch/. 

Math:  We continue to work in our Math Journals working as a whole group to read a problem, and offer different ways to solve the problems. Then they work independently to solve the problem and show their thinking. I recently made new number writing books to give them more practice understanding the number concepts of 0-20.  Not only is the goal to master the writing of numerals correctly, but also  understand the concept of ten and teen numbers.  This involves place value and understanding that the numbers 11-20 involve a bundle of ten and ones left over.  

Chance works hard to illustrate
and write a sentence. 
Centers:  Our activity centers included a writing center, sentence puzzles, sewing our their colored pencil cases, and 

ELA:  As a follow up to our fall English Language Arts assessments, we completed our first language spring assessment. They did an outstanding job attending to the task and doing their best work. 

Tate is quite a jumper! 
  • Green Up Day:  Damon Hall, Singing with Mrs. White’s Class at 11:30 and viewing our writing and artwork. 
  • Group Snack: This week’s healthy snacks were provided Lucia’s family.  The children enjoyed bananas, Cheese-its, cheddar cheese and Ritz Crackers, Pretzels, Grapes, Apples and more.  Thank you!  Morgan’s family will be providing our healthy snack next week. 
  • Snack Sign Up Needed: We will have 5 weeks left of school and will need more families to sign up for one more week. Please let me know if you can sign up for  the following weeks:  May 6, 13, 20, 27,
    June 3 and 10. 
  • PTSF 4th Annual Book Swap:  Please donate your gently used children’s and young adult books.  I am accepting used books until May 29th for the Book Swap. The swap will be held on Thursday, May 30. The children will all come home with one or two books. Book Swap books are priceless in more ways than one. Thank you for putting more books into the hands of students!
  • Our classroom buddy George went home with Paige during the week.   We enjoyed hearing about all of his adventures!  Thank you for taking such good care of our classroom friend! 
  • Carol Witherington is retiring. If you would like to wish her well meet at the Rec. on Sunday, May 19,  from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. 
  • Tuesday, May 28th: Parent Appreciation Concert: Grades K-5, 6:30pm. Student’s should arrive to our classroom by 6:20 PM. We will walk to the assembly and sit together. As with the Winter concert children should remain seated with our class and will walk back to our classroom to be picked up. 
  • Kindergarten End-Of-Year Celebration:  Tentatively scheduled in our classroom for June 13th (1/2 day of school). 

Jennifer Bodnar 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Week #29: April 22-26, 2013

Chance and Tate play Marble Race
We returned from spring break well rested and ready to take on the balance of the school year.  We began a new science unit focusing on the Water Cycle.  We are reading, discussing and learning about the 3 different processes in the water cycle: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.   We will also be learning how to honor and take care of Mother Earth.  Next week we will begin to focus on seeds and their growth.   This ties in nicely with Earth Day and leads up to Vermont’s Annual Green Up Day, on Saturday, May 4th.  Mrs. White and I hope you are able to sign up to help clean up a local road at the Fire Station 8:00 Sat. morning.  Mrs. White is the Town Coordinator for Green Up Day and we are big supporters of this special day. 

On Wednesday we saw fantastic performance by the No Strings Marionette Company, called “The Dragon’sTale.”  The children thoroughly enjoyed it.  This was sponsored by our art teacher, Janet Cathey.  The Marionette Company will be working with the 3rd and 4th grade in the coming days. 

Bryant paints a tree by blowing through a straw.
Cross Curriculum: Science/Language Arts 
We have been reading a lot of fiction and non-fiction books focussing on spring themes and the water cycle.  We have been singing songs like “The Itsy, Bitsy Spider,” and have also been enjoying listening to an online song that explains the water cycle.   You can find it at home on Youtube. They really love it! Go to:  Watercycle Song

Share:  This week the children enjoyed bringing in free shares.  Next week please have your child choose something that represents spring time. 

Math/ELA:  We are working in our April Math journals which are helping us learn how to solve word problems by drawing pictures, then writing math sentences using symbols & numbers.  

Centers:  Our activity centers included phonics puzzles, painting projects to illustrate spring, butterflies and fruit blossom trees, and making a water cycle model.
Paige and Molly work in the Salmon Journal.

Sixth Grade Buddies: We enjoyed meeting with our 6th Grade buddies again this week. This is a great time to read and hang out with our buddy while also learning about their classroom salmon. The salmon started as eggs and have hatched and have grown considerably. They will be released by the 6th grade in the upcoming week. 

We have been enjoying the beautiful weather and have been able to get outside for recess. What a great opportunity to enjoy spring first hand! The children have enjoyed practicing their jump rope skills as well. They are becoming quite the jumpers! 

Student News:
On Wednesday May 8, Keira has an awards ceremony at Vermont Public Television in Colchester at 5 for anyone that wants to attend - Friends, family, teachers and classmates are all welcome. The Kegelman's need a number to give to VT PBS by May 1st.   Please let Stacey or Ted know who will attend or please call VT PBS at 1-800-639-3351.  

Tylor paints his
butterfly wings.
 Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood is the host of this annual celebration geared toward turning off screens and turning on life. And the list of endorsers is long and growing.

Read  books. Organize a group hike. Cook a healthy meal. Ride a bike. Go outside and play!  With best wishes for a playful week,
--Alliance for Childhood
  • Group Snack: This week’s healthy snacks were provided Paige’s family.  We enjoyed tasty yogurt snack, Goldfish crackers, Carrots, Cucumbers, Pirates Booty and more!  Thank you!  Lucia’s family will be providing our healthy snack next week. 
  • Our classroom buddy George went home with Lucia over break and Chance this week.  We enjoyed hearing about his adventures with them and look forward to hearing about his upcoming adventure with Tate.  
  • Carol Witherington is retire. If you would like to wish her well meet at the Rec on Sunday, May 19,  from 1 to 5:00pm. 
  • May 28th: Parent Appreciation Concert: Grades K-5, 6:30pm. 
  • Kindergarten End Of Year Celebration:  Tentatively scheduled in our classroom for June 13th (1/2 day of school). 

Jennifer Bodnar  

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Week 28: April 1-5, 2013 -- National Public Health and Safety Week

Backseat Drivers.

WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS  The focus this week school-wide was healthy living.  Thanks to our nurse, Mrs. Christie-Maples, the week was full of healthy activities and events.  On Monday, local law enforcement was here to talk to the children about the importance of car safety.  They brought a “Roll-over” car which illustrates the value of wearing seat belts and what can happen if you don’t have one on.  They also were invited to see the inside of the state trooper’s car (thanks to Gavin’s dad) in Mrs. White’s class) and explored the rescue truck.  On Tuesday, the K-2 grades were presented with a puppet show by the Kids on the Block, which alerted them to the dangers of tobacco and taking someone else’s medicine. 
Goat Fans!

On Wednesday our class combined our one mile walk-keeping our bodies fit and healthy- with walking to Sherry Clarke’s goat farm, Bly Acres.    We enjoyed learning about her farm and how she cares for the goats. We learned that her goats yield 6 gallons a week! She enjoys her goats immensely, but she has three important jobs: she feeds them, milks them twice a day, and cleans them.  She also makes her own cheese.  It’s a lot of work, but a labor of love. 
During health class this week, two of our very own HES students, Molly & Josh, shared all about people’s differences and different abilities and answered questions about their own personal physical challenges.  
On Thursday, the children watched a special performance by Michael Zerphy, a performance artist and parent of Zophia Zerphy,  His focus was on healthy activities, eating good foods and making smart choices. 
On Friday we will visit the science fair exhibits put on by the 3 &4 grades.  We will have smoothies during lunch on Friday provided by the “Smooth Ride” a bicycle that makes smoothies and powered by the upper grades!

Tylor and Paige watercolor painting their drawings
from our Winter Field Trip to Mrs. White's house. 

ELA Phonics:  The children have been  making nice progress in their writing journals during the week. We have added two new entries. Please encourage your child to read their journal to you and ask them questions that come to mind.  Some children are enjoying creating their own writing topics at home. Feel free to have them do so.  With just 9 or 10 weeks left to the year, there should be room in the journal.  Unless I send home a writing prompt, do not feel that they must write in it at home. They are working hard during the day and should enjoy the fruits of their labor at home -- reading it to you! ;) You can write comments or ask them questions in the journal to add to my questions and comments. 
We are working to foster independence in our kindergarten classroom.  In preparation for first grade next year we are having conversations about being more self-reliant and independent.  For instance we are pairing up to get milk as a morning job to take on more independent tasks.  They are learning to pack their own backpacks at the end of the day.  Our conversations also focus on responsible behavior and learning how to apologize when we make a mistake.  These are all small but important steps to help our children become more successful. 

Share:  This week the children shared items for the sound /er/.  Here is a sampling: Easter chicks, tractor trailer, 16 wheeler, catapillar, 
Next week’s share: /ou/

Science/Math/ELA:  Now that March is over we tallied our calendar days and found that we had 16 lion days and 15 lamb days. March definitely came in like a lion and left like a lamb.  April feels a bit like winter, but we are looking forward to warmer days.  As King Winter and Lady Spring tousle over the daily weather, please be mindful of the changing weather.  We are enjoying recess outside and will be planning outdoor projects and activities. For instance today in conjunction with Jump Rope for your Heart, we brought our classroom jump rope outside to practice.  

Warming Time: We have had tea every morning.  The apple mint aroma has filled our room in the morning. It has such a pleasing scent. We finished our bag of fresh apple mint leaves on Thursday. I will try some chamomile on Friday. Not everyone liked the taste of apple mint, so perhaps chamomile will be more pleasing. Nevertheless it has been a nice relaxing way to start our day. 
We set a goal of earning 25 points based on good behavior to have a class party of pancakes and maple syrup. We achieved our goal in the nick of time and will have pancakes on Friday morning. 

Milk Helpers

  • Thank you Mrs. Christie-Maples for a fun-filled National Public Health Week! 
  • Parent Teacher Conferences: I am looking forward to meeting with you next week to talk about your child’s progress. 
  • Group Snack: This week’s healthy snacks were provided Keira’s family.  We enjoyed tasty homemade muffins, peanut butter crackers and fruit snacks. Thank you!  Conner’s family will be providing snack next week. 
  • Our classroom buddy George went home with Maeve this weekend.  We are enjoyed hearing about his adventures and hope he has a great weekend with her and her family! 

Jennifer Bodnar 

Week in Review: 

Lucia is a big jumper!

The Roll-over Car Demonstration 
Jumping Rope

Friday, March 29, 2013

Week 27: March 25-29, 2013

We were listening intently during the performance. 

Spring has begun and we are enjoying warmer weather and more time outside. Kelly Meacham came on Monday to help the children start some spinach seeds indoors for Farm to School Trek To Taste Project. We will be planting spinach under different conditions indoors and using the spinach we planted last fall to use in the kitchen and for making spinach dip for Trek To Taste an event at the Marsh Billing Farm Museum on Saturday, June 1st. More information to follow.
This week we attended two performances. On Wednesday, the jazz band from Hanover High School came to perform and was absolutely amazing!  The children enjoyed the jazz music and singing.  On Friday we will saw highlights from 5/6th grade play Snow White. 

ELA Phonics:  We continue to gain experience writing in our journals and responding to writing prompts. Please take the time this weekend to read your child’s journal and respond in writing to their entries.  Providing a purpose to writing will go a long way to their enthusiasm.  I have collected the purple Sound Books and Tins to update for next week. Don’t worry if you don’t see them in your child’s folder. Thank you!

Share:  This week the children shared items for the sound /v/.  Here is a sampling: van,  Vermont Maple Syrup,  and Violet the squirrel,  Vermont Quarters. 
Next week’s share: /er/

Science/Math/ELA:  We have been tracking our Lion and Lamb days since the beginning of the month.  The children are seeing how the month is trending toward more lamb days. With the warmer days and no more snow on the playground we aren’t wearing our snow pants anymore, however, the ground is still damp and we are still wearing boots.  April will hopefully bring warmer weather.
Tea and Raisins. 

Warming Time: Thank you to everyone who was able to donate a mug and extra mugs for this special time that we are making in our day. On Thursday afternoon we had our first afternoon tea of organic apple mint.  We first discussed where tea comes from, how it is made and introduced vocabulary, “to steep.” We served it with some milk and a touch of honey.  This was a new and different experience for many.  

  • Next Week: National Public Health Week. Mrs. Christie-Maples, our nurse, has organized a fun-filled, week of many activities. There will be a rollover car, State Trooper Cruiser and Rescue Truck to see. Also puppet shows from Kinds on the Block about Medical Safety and Anti-Tobacco Education.  Wednesday is National Walk to School Day.  We will also take walks around the schoolyard to add miles to the map that we have been adding to for the past two years (Distance travelled to a number of different Hartlands in the US), on Thursday we will have a fun healthy activity with Michael Zerphy, and a presentation by two of our very own HES classmates to share about differences between people.  We will have smoothies on Friday provided by the “Smooth Ride” a bicycle that makes smoothies!

  • Parent Teacher Conferences: Please sign up for a first and second choice for Parent - Teacher Conference Dates, and return as soon as possible.
Kerridwyn constructs her marble tower for a race. 
  • Bicycle Helmet Orders: If you child does not have a bike helmet, it is a great opportunity to order the helmet (Monday due date!) at such reduced prices. I’m going to order 2! 
  • Walking Field Trip: We are still planning a walking field trip to Sherry Clarke’s farm around the corner from school to see her goats and chickens.  The date for the walking field trip is to be schedule soon! 
  • Group Snack: This week’s healthy snacks were provided Chance’s family.  We enjoyed tasty pretzels,  applesauce and yogurt. Thank you! Keira’s family will be providing snack next week. 
  • Our classroom buddy George went home with Tylor last weekend.  We are enjoyed hearing about his adventures and hope he has a great weekend with his next hosts! 

Jennifer Bodnar 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Week 26: March 18-22

Paige peeks into the bucket to see the sap drip, drip, drop!

Our field trip on Friday was the biggest highlight this week.  We are used our senses to explore the changing seasons.  More on our trip in next week’s field trip Although officially in spring, our newly fallen snow has reminded us that Mother Nature likes to keep us guessing. We enjoyed a late in the year snow day on Tuesday and have been enjoying playing in the snow and making snow angels, snow men, and great big snow balls at recess! 

ELA Phonics: We continue to work with our magnetic letter boards to make words. First we clap the number of syllables, then tap the sounds, then make the word. By changing the first letter sound we can make rhyming words and use them in a sentence. Some words are real words and some are imaginary. We have discovered that Dr. Seuss likes to use imaginary words in his books. 

Math:   We continue to graph the Lion and Lamb days. So far, we have had many more lion days than lamb. We sure hope March goes out like a lamb! 

Social Studies: We presented our Family Tree projects to our class.  It was a delight to see the joy on their faces as they shared their family trees with their friends.

Share:  This week the children shared items with the sound /m/.  Here is a sampling: Iron Man, Metal Head, Money, Mask, Monster Tracker. Next week share sound will be /v/. 

Science/Math/ELA: As I mentioned we will be learning to use our senses not only on our field trip but also to learn about our environment and the world around us. 
Earlier in the month we made predictions about the weather in March.  We are charting, graphing and recording the weather patterns as either a “Lion” day or a “Lamb” day.  In science we have been focusing upon the weather and the changing nature of the seasons.  We continue to compare qualities of a lion and lamb to the weather we experience in March.  What fun! 

Warming Time: We need about 3 to 4 more mugs.  Please send in a mug your child can use to have tea.  We will keep it in their cubby.  I am looking forward to tea time!

Mrs. Moyer reads to a group of chidren.

  • Wednesday, March 27, Early Dismissal. 
  • Walking Field Trip: We will be planning a walking field trip to Sherry Clarke’s farm around the corner from school to see her goats and chickens. She will already have a baby goat and more are on the way. I will let you know when the date and time are finalized should you want to come along. 
  • Group Snack: Next week’s healthy snacks will be provided by Chance’s family! 
  • Our classroom buddy George went home with Keira last weekend. This weekend he went home with Tylor. We are looking forward to hearing about his adventures on Monday! 

Jennifer Bodnar