Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday, March 30

Everyone tests their handmade kites.

Gone are those warm sunny days that graced us last week. Although we haven’t had another considerable snowfall, the wind brought cloudier and colder days.  Please make sure your child has ample layers for outside recess both in the morning when the temperature seems to be at its coldest and in the afternoon when the children are outside for an extended period of time. 
Hunter’s mom was able to spend the day on Monday and help with activities throughout the day. A big Thank you to Marta for sharing your smile, as well as your two helping hands! J  Leah Gartner continues to come in to read to the children on Tuesday morning as part of a reading program. Thank you!
We had another busy week with plenty to share with you. Our biggest news is that we have a new student. Her name is Sophia Taylor and we are delighted to have her join our class.  She visited twice this week and will be starting full time this coming Monday. 
Finn and Tanner make their tissue paper flowers. 
On Thursday, we celebrated the beginning of spring with an afternoon of crafts and activities. The children from both kindergartens were put together and divided into three groups to participate in the activities. Each group rotated among the different stations: planting herb seeds in biodegradable newspaper pots – which will be sold at the Farm Fest later in the spring, tissue paper flower-making, and paper kite-making. Thank you to Rochelle Kleber (Lilly’s mom) from Mrs. White’s class and Melanie Westenfeld, who were able to assist me with the tissue paper flower station; Alicia Jenks and Janet Cathey who supervised the planting station, and Mike Nixon who helped Ginny with the paper kites station.  The children enjoyed working in the mixed groups.  We are looking forward to all the fun that springtime brings.

Language Arts:
We have been writing in their journals and have been working practicing tapping the sounds in words to help them write them.


Students of the Week 

Our Students of the Week are Keira and Ian. Among the variety of questions that were asked during the interview, we learned Keira’s favorite color is blue and Ian’s is black. Keira’s favorite food is ramen noodles and Ian’s is pizza. Keira wants to be a teacher for doctors and Ian wants to be a detective in the FBI. 

The children continue to go to the computer lab 2-4 times per week depending on our schedule. They recently started logging into the math site: which the school just purchased a license. If you would like your child to do some at home, you can go to the site and have them log in to do lessons. Your child’s login and password is the same. Just type it in twice. It is handwritten below:


  • Next week is National Public Health Week. Our nurse, Mrs. Christie-Males has lots of exciting things planned for that week. Stay tuned! Each day has a different color to match a healthy colorful food. Dress your child accordingly: Monday: Red, Tuesday: Orange/Yellow; Wednesday: Green; Thursday: Blue/Purple/ and Friday: Rainbow.
  • Share: This week’s share theme: voiced and unvoiced /th/ elicited a “thrilling” share of a crocodile’s head with very sharp teeth, a Thunderbird matchbox car and feathers. Next week’s share theme is /qu/. Get quacking!  J

  •  Snacks:  Thank you to Ian and his family for this week’s snack. The class enjoyed cheese sticks, pretzels, and delicious baby carrots. Next week’s share will be provided by Ava’s family. Many thanks! J

  • We have an upcoming field trip on April 10th to see the play “Henry and Mudge” at the Lebanon Opera House. If you would like to be a chaperone, please let me know. The bus will be leaving around 9:15am. Please send in $5 for admission next week. We have an additional field trip to the LOH later in the spring, so feel free to send in $10 to pay in advance. Thank you!

  • Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences:  If you would like to schedule a conference and haven’t done so yet, please send in your conference sign up sheet. Spaces are still available. Thursday, April 5th and April 6th has time slots open, as does, Wednesday, April 11.  

  • Reminder: Our classroom reading buddy, George, is being sent home on Fridays to be returned on the following Monday. Included in the bag is a journal. Please write in the journal the book or books you read to him and any funny stories that may have resulted from his home visit. Keep him for the weekend and return him and the journal on the following Monday. Andrew had a delightful weekend with him last weekend. He enjoyed a fun-filled weekend with him and his family! We are looking forward to hearing all about George’s adventures. Thanks! 

  • Reminder: Extra Clothing:  Please make sure your child has warm clothes for the chillier days and an extra set of clothing in case they get wet. Thank you!  

  • Scholastic Book Orders: You can order anytime online if you like. Please use our classroom code: H9K3R


Mrs. Bodnar

Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012

Enjoying popsicles on a warm day. 
While enjoying popsicles outside this afternoon, Maple said, “We asked for spring and we got summer!”   That’s for sure! Fortunately it has been beautiful and not humid.  As more warm weather approaches though, please send in water bottles so the children can quench their thirst and refresh themselves easily throughout the day. 
The recent spate of spring weather inspired me to rearrange the room last weekend. The children are enjoying the new layout – it is a bit more open.  With the couch near the windows we are using this space for share and read alouds. Our worktable is closer to the sink for baking days and provides more visibility and accessibility when we work at tables and rotate among stations.
We started a new project this week: a felt pencil case.  It is fairly simple with a single piece of felt folded into an envelope shape with stitching along the sides. We are using a dull steel yarn needle to make the stitches. The children chose among a variety of colors and contrasting embroidery thread.  They all seem very excited and are eager to learn the new stitch. Upon completion we will learn to stitch on a button and embroider one or two initials. We will keep them in our chair pockets to help organize and personalize our supplies.  J 
Kaitlyn and Keira tapp out sounds to write words

Language Arts:
We have been writing in their journals and have been working practicing tapping the sounds in words to help them write them.

 Students of the Week
Our first two students of the week are Maple and Hunter. We interviewed our students and tested our listening abilities by remembering what they said. Then everyone drew pictures and illustrated their sentences. These pages will go in a personal book that will go home to be shared with their families. A copy will remain in the classroom so the children can practice and share reading together.
If you would like to send in a photo of your child  feel free to send it in and I will return it when the project is over. Thank you!

  • Share: Next week’s share theme are hard and soft sounds: /th/ as in “this” and /th/ as in “think”.  This week we were treated to some interesting shares. We learned there are tricky letters when put together sound like /ch/ such as: tr in tree and truck or dr in dragon.  Brady’s connected his share of a baseball mitt and ball, to the word catch.”
  •  Snacks:  Thank you to Kaitlyn and her family for this week’s snack. We enjoyed cheese sticks, crispy apples, yogurt and Cheese Nips. We also baked fresh applesauce muffins. Next week Ian’s family will be providing snack. Many thanks! J
  • Kindergarten Spring Festival: We are hoping to celebrate the arrival of the spring with a festival at on the afternoon of Thursday, March 29. We are tentatively planning for 1:00- 2:15pm. We plan to have it outside – weather permitting. If you would like to help out please let me know.
  • Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences:  If you would like to schedule a conference please fill out the attached form and note your first and second choices. Return it as soon as possible. I will send home a confirmation date and time on a first come first served basis. 

  • Reminder: Our classroom reading buddy, George, (a stuffed animal) is being sent home on Fridays to be returned on the following Monday. Included in the bag is a journal. Please write in the journal the book or books you read to him and any funny stories that may have resulted from his home visit. Keep him for the weekend and return him on the following Monday. Cashton was his first baby-sitter. He enjoyed a fun-filled weekend with him and his family! We are looking forward to hearing all about George’s adventures. Thanks! 
  • Reminder: Extra Clothing:  Outdoor recess is very wet at this time of year. Things are finally drying up. However, I’m pretty sure we are not free of colder days or even snow. If it snows, please remember boots and snow pants. Otherwise we will send home those items. Thanks! 

  • Scholastic Book Orders: You can order anytime online if you like. Please use our classroom code: H9K3R


Mrs. Bodnar

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Kayla mixes the bread dough.
Signs of spring are on the way and with the changing weather comes renewed energy and spirit!  We have been able to take advantage of the warmer temperatures by getting outside for morning recess a bit more than usual. We also are continuing to build on our bread making skills. The children helped me make another batch of homemade bread on Wednesday. We used regular white bread flour and combined it with some wheat flour. This has improved the flavor and the children enjoy seeing it rise and making it into fun personal-sized shaped rolls. We enjoyed fresh bread for snack on Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday, we baked banana and applesauce muffins. We will continue to make more bread in the coming weeks as a way to experience this authentic task, explore our senses, and enjoy healthy snacks.  If you would like to help with baking let me know. The children are enjoying the process as well as the end results…. Tasting!  J 
We continue to sing with Mrs. White’s class on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings from 8:05 – 8:15 am. We are learning a variety of new songs like Red, Red Robin; Friends, Friends; Aiken Drum; and John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, among many others.

Language Arts:
We are learning how to make new words with magnetic letters from words we already know. For instance: If we can make the word “day”, we can change out the first letter /consonant and insert a new one to make a number of new words. For instance: bay, may, say, and ray. We learned that they all rhyme. We used them in sentences. We put out learning to work when we practiced writing in our journals. Our writing prompt was to write about the Signs of Spring.
I have been reading a new chapter book about a gnome named Puck. He’s quite a character who is learning some important life lessons about being kind and being a good friend. The students have been forming clay objects while they listen to the story. They are surprised that the story doesn’t have many pictures. They are learning to use their imaginations while they listen and work their clay. I am enjoying watching them as I read and as well as listening to them as they explain at the end of the reading about what they have made. They are learning to trust their abilities and use their imaginations.

Cashton and Andrew solving their puzzles.
Time spent learning to work together making puzzles, sharing the rocker board, using the computers, building with blocks and role playing in the drama center have been memorable and have offered many learning and growing opportunities.

  •  Share: Next week’s share theme is the sounds: /ch/ and /sh/.

  • Snacks:  This week we enjoyed apples with cinnamon, pretzels, bananas, crackers, freshly baked bread (lovingly baked by the Kinderbees!). Next week Kaitlyn’s family is providing snack. Many thanks! J

  • We are hoping to celebrate the coming of spring with a spring festival at the school on the afternoon of Thursday, March 29. We are tentatively planning for 1:00- 2:15pm. Weather permitting we plan to do it outside. If you would like to help out please let me know.

  • Reminder: Our classroom reading buddy (a stuffed animal) is being sent home on Fridays to be returned on the following Monday. Included in the bag is a journal. Please write in the journal the book or books you read to him and any funny stories that may have resulted from his home visit. Keep him for the weekend and return him on the following Monday. Thanks! 

  • We will start learning about each other next week. We will celebrate one or two new Students of the Week.  If you would like to send in a photo of your child in advance so I have a picture to display feel free to send it in and I will return it when the project is over. Thank you!

  • Reminder: Extra Clothing:  Outdoor recess is very wet at this time of year. Please plan ahead and send in extra socks and a pair of pants/sweatpants for your child in case their clothing gets wet through their snow pants. We try to keep them as dry as possible, but this time of year is extremely difficult. Thank you!

  • Scholastic Book Orders:  I extended the March book orders. If you would like to place an order, please return the order forms by Monday, March 19.  You can order easily online if you like. Please use our classroom code: H9K3R


Mrs. Bodnar

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Kayla and Ava dress up for drama.
 Our first week back from vacation has been filled with lots of energy.  We are working on channeling this energy in a positive way as we navigate our day paying attention to rules and routines. It is normal at this point in the year to begin to forget responsibilities, so I am focusing a bit of attention on how to be better community members.  I hope by the week’s end it has been easier to get your child back into the routines at home as well. 
With the new snowfall, just a quick reminder too about hats, boots and mittens for recess.

Mr. Cox Reads Owl Moon. 
Language Arts:
Continue having your child finish the Jolly Phonics workbook. You may notice your child working especially hard to finish his or her Jolly Phonics workbook. Several children have completed theirs and have received a special writing notebook and box of colored pencils as a reward. J

Mr. Cox visited our classroom on Wednesday at the end of the day to read his favorite book, Owl Moon. The children enjoyed getting to know him and having a chance to get to know him a bit more. Thank you Mr. Cox!
Friday is Dr. Seuss’ Birthday celebration. We will be reading with our 8th grade Advisory buddies and enjoying Dr. Seuss related activities.

Cashton, Andrew and Brady build a spaceship. 
  • Share: We didn’t have share this week in order to take a break from the routine. Share will return next week with the theme of these two sounds: short and long /oo/ and /y/. Please brainstorm with your child to choose a share that will connect with the sound.  This is a fun and challenging activity to do with your child at home as you try to find one that fits.
  • Snacks:  Thank you to Finn’s family for providing this past week’s healthy snacks.  We enjoyed a homemade gorp mixture, yummy yogurt, and crackers and cheese.  A big Thank you to the Liland family for this week’s snack and a hearty thank you to one and all for all your contributions for the past 12 weeks. I will be providing next week’s snack.  Please see attached sign up for the following 12 weeks. J

Ryan and Keira building with Legos
  • Scholastic Book Orders:  February book orders will be coming in shortly.  March Book order forms are enclosed. Please return your orders or place online by March 15.  If you order online please use our classroom code: H9K3R
Hunter constructs a village road.
  • Breakfast: I am trying to encourage children to eat their breakfast in the cafeteria before coming to the classroom. School starts at 8:00 am and some children are eating their breakfast until 8:15.  We are singing in the mornings with Mrs. White’s class at 8:05 and they will miss this important time with the other class if they are still eating. Now that we are in the second half of the year it is a good idea to try to get them in the habit to eat breakfast before school or if they eat at school, to eat it in the cafeteria before 8:00 am. Let me know if your child has special considerations that I need to be aware of. Thank you! J

  • Please help your child become a shoe-tying expert. It is difficult to continually tie laces throughout the day. If your child is not yet ready to tie his or her shoes and you are buying new sneakers, please consider Velcro until they have mastered the art of tying. I really appreciate your help and your support. Thank you!


Mrs. Bodnar